Author Guidelines

All papers must be submitted to the Journal of Emerging Supply Chain, Clean Energy, and Process Engineering (JESCEE) to the Editorial Office via Online Submission at, where the author must register as Author. If authors are having difficulty with the online submission, they can contact the Editorial Office at

The following details are offered to assist you with your paper submission:

1. The paper must be written in English. Please ensure that your article is written entirely in English, including any figures.
2. The length of the submitted JESCEE article should not exceed 30 pages.
3. As main units, choose either SI (MKS) or CGS. (SI units are recommended.) Combine SI and CGS units as little as possible.
4. Papers with a similarity index of more than 20% will be rejected.

5. All papers must adhere to the JESCEE template.

The following format should be followed when writing the paper: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion, followed by Acknowledgement (if any) and References. Please make certain that all references, figures, tables, and equations are cited in the text.

Abstract: Write a brief overview of the research study, including the background, methodology, and findings. The abstract should be no more than 200-250 words long and should be written in a single paragraph. Avoid using references, footnotes, or math in the abstract.

Keywords: Keywords are alphabetically sorted, with a maximum of five words.

Introduction: The introduction part provides the research's background or motivation, goal, and methodologies, followed by a succinct literature review that justifies the research contribution. The research contribution should be explicitly mentioned.

Methods: The Methods section discusses the research process, including any materials required. The methods section does not need to include information on common knowledge or basic theory, but it should include information on how the study is carried out.

Results and Discussion: When presenting and discussing results, provide an in-depth analysis rather than just stating the findings.

Conclusions: Make sure the conclusion is relevant to the paper's title, goal, and contribution.
Acknowledgment: Authors may credit individuals or organizations who have contributed to the study.

Please utilize reference software such as Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, or any other equivalent program for your reference. In the manuscript, use number-style citations. It is advised that the references include more journal publications published within the recent ten years. The reference style adheres to the JESCEE format. To utilize the Mendeley Template, go to